Strategic Leadership Course

By Integrating the Key Learning In This Course, Managers Will Have the Ability to Visualize, Plan, Lead, and Make the Best Out Of Their Resources. 




 Strategic Leadership Course

By Integrating the Key Learning In This Course, Managers Will Have the Ability to Visualize, Plan and Lead


Many managers spend their time and creativity on tactics that fail to connect to brand or business goals. They may be working hard, but to what end? Without the skills of strategic leadership that include concrete, quantifiable, measurable goals, managers have no way to measure success and demonstrate results, value, and performance. Instead, they focus on a vanity or tactical indicators.

Strategic leadership is a leader's ability to visualize, plan, lead, and make the best out of their resources. Sadly most managers operate in a highly tactical manner that gets things done. But are they the most valuable use of time and resources? Their activities are often not tied to the organization's goals or mission.

Productivity and management mindset are significant — how leaders think goes hand in hand with how they lead. A strategic mindset reflects strategic agility, the ability to see how the big picture relates to the here and now. They are the abilities to anticipate, challenge, interpret, decide, align, and learn.


A lack of a Strategic Mindset leads to the Following Six Key Problems.

  1. Ineffective communication. The most mentioned problem in strategy execution is bad communication. This means communication that is too vague, too late, too early, too much, too little, to the wrong people, or otherwise ineffective. Some even go as far as saying that successful strategy is all about communication. 
  2. Ineffective alignment. Bad strategy execution is also often seen as a misalignment problem. Alignment refers to achieving coherence and consistency between different levels of strategy: corporate strategy, business strategy, functional strategy, and operational strategy. When there is misalignment, the overarching corporate strategy gets diluted at lower levels, resulting in silo behavior and not everyone being on the same page.
  3. Ineffective change management. Strategy usually involves a lot of changes. Accordingly, managing change is an important aspect of strategy execution. Problems in this area include resistance, lack of commitment, no buy-in, and keeping up appearances. 
  4. Ineffective performance management. As they say, what gets measured, gets managed, and what gets managed gets done. Therefore, performance management is a key ingredient of successful strategy execution. 
  5. Ineffective project management. Good strategy execution requires systematic follow-up and project management. The lack thereof is a fifth key problem in strategy execution. It comes with missing or conflicting priorities, unclear responsibilities, exceeded budgets, bad time management, delays, and poor or missing leadership at various levels in the organization.
  6. Ineffective strategy. Not a pure strategy execution problem, but one that is often hindering effective strategy execution: having an unclear, unfitting, unconvincing, uninspiring, non-actionable, or otherwise ineffective approach. Effective strategy execution asks for a strategy that is executable in the first place; without that, failure is built in before the execution even starts.


Consider these impacts, as well:

  • A lack of strategy and vision will create confusion, lower productivity, and decrease employee engagement. Your team needs to know the company’s big-picture goals and why the work matters.
  • A lack of sales-generating initiatives will cause your growth to plateau. Your competition, who is taking the time to plan and work on strategy, will outpace you.
  • A lack of clear, implementation-ready plans will result in miscommunication, failure to align resources, and wasted time and effort.
  • Your quarterly implementation plan forms the basis of your weekly meetings. Without a great quarterly plan, you won’t be focused on having the right discussions each week, and your weekly meetings may seem pointless.

When you look at it this way, the investment you are making in training to be more strategic probably seems small in comparison to the value you are getting.


Who Is This Course For?

Our programs are designed for managers regardless of seniority, industry, or location and give them the skills they need to succeed in the modern workplace.

The two things that usually earn a promotion to management have nothing to do with great management ability: tenure and mastery of a previous, non-managerial role. Managers account for the majority of variance in almost all performance-related outcomes. Yet companies will spend hundreds of billions of dollars every year on everything but training their managers.

This course was created by our Results Driven Team of former executives. We share the methods we know work effectively because we have used them ourselves. No theory: we share the exact methods we’ve used scaling highly successful teams for decades.

Anyone can benefit from Results Driven Management Training, no matter their experience level. Here's how taking a leadership course can arm your managers with the expertise needed to drive peak results.

  • Aspiring Managers: If you have aspiring managers who you want to further their ability, prepare for the future by providing them with proper management strategies and frameworks and building their skill set.


  • Newly Appointed Managers: Whether they've managed people, products, or projects, these courses can help them acquire the skills necessary to succeed from day one.


  • Seasoned Managers: All experienced managers can still hone their leadership expertise by applying insights from the knowledgeable executives training from our courses.


Why Invest in Results Driven Management Programs?


Leadership experience: Our executive trainers have decades of experience leading teams and organizations; this can be valuable in helping you and your team understand the challenges and opportunities that managers face and the leadership skills and techniques most effective in different situations.


Strong communication skills: Effective training requires strong communication skills, including presenting information clearly and concisely and adapting to the audience's needs and learning styles. All of our executive trainers have strong communication skills, which makes you uniquely qualified to train others.


Positive reputation: We have a positive reputation with every organization we have engaged with. Our training approach and materials are real world, taught by real executives, not some under-experienced trainer who has learned from a book.



What You Will Learn 

This course describes the essential skills every manager must have to be more strategic in their management approach in detail. We also include a self-assessment that will enable managers to identify the strategic skills that most need their attention. We have found that strength in one skill cannot easily compensate for a deficit in another. An adaptive strategic leader has learned to apply all the skills we teach in this course.

Results Driven Managers strategically lead those people and activities for which they are responsible while embracing and balancing their hands-on, day-to-day requirements.

  • Three steps to Be An Effective Strategic Leader
  • Strategic Leadership techniques, processes, and methods to make your plans succeed. 
  • How to Create a Strategic Plan
  • Managing With Strategic Direction
  • The Blue Print For Follow-Up and Follow Through to Achieve Goals
  • The Top 10 Skills a Strategic Leader Must Have


What You Will Get

Financial Benefits

  • It has been shown in many studies that firms that engage in strategic management are more profitable and successful than those that do not have the benefit of strategic planning and strategic management.
  • In contrast, firms that do not engage in meaningful strategic planning are often bogged down by internal problems and a lack of focus, leading to failure.

Non-Financial Benefits

  • Companies and teams that engage in strategic management are more aware of external threats, have an improved understanding of competitor strengths and weaknesses, and increased employee productivity. They also have lesser resistance to change and a clear understanding of the link between performance and rewards.
  • The key aspect of strategic management is that the problem-solving and problem-preventing capabilities of the company are enhanced through strategic management.
  • Executive Led Video Instruction
  • Full course PDF for Future Reference
  • Complete Assessment For Determining Current Strategic Knowledge
  • True False Quiz
  • A Personal Development Plan For Applying the Knowledge and Tools 


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